Our Preferred Partner Schools

While we are able to work smoothly and effectively with any qualified private school in Arizona, there are a few schools with which we have had great partnerships in recent years. If your school is not listed here, that’s okay! As long as your school meets some basic qualifications (set by the State of Arizona), we can likely work together!


Lumos Arts Academy

Lumos Arts Academy provides students the opportunity to be themselves and respect differences through the integration of arts, academics, and leadership. Lumos strives to provide an environment where each student feels safe, loved, and respected on their path to graduation​.

Smart Schools

Smart Schools is a private school that exists to help students in grades 6-12 complete their high school education online and graduate!

Smart Schools believes all students deserve a high-quality education regardless of their age, financial situation, nationality, ethnicity, or previous school experience.

SS. Simon & Jude Cathedral School

Inspired by the Loreto Sisters and their charisms – Freedom, Justice, Sincerity, Joy & Truth – their mission is to promote intellectual and spiritual growth by providing a quality Catholic education in a safe, compassionate environment - challenging all to live according to the gospel in a constantly changing world.

Menachem Mendel Academy

Menachem Mendel Academy is more than a school, it's a Movement. Their mission is to innovate Jewish education and create happy, centered, compassionate, and highly-skilled children who are rooted in Torah with a servant-leadership worldview by combining best practices in child-centered academia, holistic wellness, environmental preservation, cutting-edge technology, and good old-fashioned FUN.

Valley Christian Schools

The mission of Valley Christian Schools is that students know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, live like Him, and prepare academically, physically, socially and spiritually, so they are enabled to make a difference in the world.

Dobson Montessori School

Outstanding academics - plus art, music, drama, PE, monthly field trips, organic gardens, and farm animals (including goats and chickens plus dogs, lizards, turtles, chinchilla, birds, and more). A child-centered environment where each student works at their own pace in a warm nurturing environment.

Sacred Heart Catholic School

Sacred Heart Catholic School is a true community which has a long history in Prescott, AZ. They provide a broad and relevant curriculum that is based on their Mission, Philosophy and Schoolwide Learning Expectations. Students are held to high 21st-Century academic standards, utilizing a variety of learning modalities. They strive to provide a Catholic education to all students, regardless of their financial means.

Don’t see your school listed here?

If you are a representative of a qualified private school in Arizona and want more information about becoming one of our preferred partner schools, click the button below, send us a message, and let’s talk about how we can work together!